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about Alana Berenson and Joe Cheetham

Alana was a joyous spirit. She was so full of life we are having a hard time imagining that spirit being taken from us.

She was a gutsy kid. Although sometimes anxious and fearful, she would just stick out her chin and just "do it". During those first two years at Maritime, which are REALLY hard, she would never give in. She might complain a little, but she would never let it beat her. 

She was never mean spirited, always listening and offering advice to a friend. Making people laugh,  always a kind word...a joke, a shoulder.

Joe was a kind and gentle soul, easygoing and generous.

they were well suited and happy together.

We loved them both and miss them beyond words.



Alana was the oldest of four children. Her siblings, Jenna 27, Kayla 25, and Max 20 all miss her. As do her parents Bruce and Lee, grandmother Seena , grandfather Jack , many many aunts , uncles , cousins , extended family members, friends, teachers and Maritime Cadets. She touched so many lives. She never realized how much she was loved, by so many.





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This site was last updated 07/09/08